Tracys Travels

Hi all! I finally decided that having a blog would be a bit more time efficient than sending out the same e-mail to 150-200 people! Hope this enables you to keep track of where I am and what I am up to. Please keep the e-mails coming though, I love to hear from all of you! Hope you enjoy reading the massive ramblings as much as I enjoy writing them. I will try hard to keep it somewhat updated!! Wish me luck! ;) Tracy

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Happy Summer!

Hi all!
It's been a while since I have checked email and added to my blog, so here goes (it will be short).
I have been working hard at LP in Dawson all summer. A few days ago I had carpal tunnel surgery on my wrist so am off work for 2 weeks and am finding typing difficult so this will be short for now.
Played lots of baseball this summer , our team did really well. Found a new boyfriend (from my ball team). He's great! He has also moved in (Yikes!). Have another room mate in the spare room named Jeffery. Nice young guy. The house is busy and I like it.

Had l0ts of great friends visit this summer. Kylie came and stayed withme a week in Dawson. She and I were room mates and great friends in England. She is from Australia. Was wonderful to catch up. We have made plans to meet for xmas 2008 in Tanzania (2 wks) and Kenya (2 wks). Anyone wants to join us you are welcome!
Linds was up for an excellent 36 hours and of course we made every hour count!! Great havin ya here girl!
Lots is new and life is wonderful. Phone or drop me an email and we can catch up. Hotmail closed my account for a while, so I just got it started again, but I lost alllllllll of my emails. So if you emailed this summer, I amsorry, I did not get it. Try again.
lotsa love and hugs all!