Tracys Travels

Hi all! I finally decided that having a blog would be a bit more time efficient than sending out the same e-mail to 150-200 people! Hope this enables you to keep track of where I am and what I am up to. Please keep the e-mails coming though, I love to hear from all of you! Hope you enjoy reading the massive ramblings as much as I enjoy writing them. I will try hard to keep it somewhat updated!! Wish me luck! ;) Tracy

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The lighthouse on the beach. Posted by Picasa

On our Elqui Valley tour. The dam. Posted by Picasa

La Serena, the beach. Posted by Picasa

Ahhhhh, the beach! Finally! La Serena. Posted by Picasa

No swimmng, but lots of sun tanning! Posted by Picasa

Out for lunch at Cafe colonial. Highly recommended! Posted by Picasa

The night market alongside the church. La Serena, Chile. Posted by Picasa

La Serena, lunch time! Posted by Picasa

630am and waiting to get into our hostel in La Serena. Posted by Picasa

At the market. This is a photo for Pete! Posted by Picasa

Brazil showing her love!  Posted by Picasa

Brazil�s sister, Brazil number 2!! Everybody was called by their country at this hostel!! It was too funny. Posted by Picasa

Good bye Santiago! Out of the bus window. See the signs advertising who to vote for. Posted by Picasa

Let�s have a funny shot now kids, everybody get crazy! Posted by Picasa

West Coast and Lindsay, drinking in the courtyard! Posted by Picasa

Brazil, Australia and Canada say good-bye. What a sad day! Posted by Picasa

On the inside! The president�s water fountain! Make a wish. Posted by Picasa

President�s fountain! Posted by Picasa

Finally, after being frisked, we are in! The president�s house Posted by Picasa

Chile�s presidential guards. Posted by Picasa

Fountain in Santa Lucia Park. Santiago. Posted by Picasa

Yanks, Aussies, and Canucks!  Posted by Picasa

Mural, inside the museum courtyard. This was our cultural day! Posted by Picasa

Look out point in Santa Lucia park. Santiago. Posted by Picasa

The plaza de armas in Santiago. Posted by Picasa