Tracys Travels

Hi all! I finally decided that having a blog would be a bit more time efficient than sending out the same e-mail to 150-200 people! Hope this enables you to keep track of where I am and what I am up to. Please keep the e-mails coming though, I love to hear from all of you! Hope you enjoy reading the massive ramblings as much as I enjoy writing them. I will try hard to keep it somewhat updated!! Wish me luck! ;) Tracy

Saturday, February 04, 2006

The Solar de Uyuni Trip!

Hi again!
I think we have found an internet place with better keyboards, so perhaps it won´t be so difficult to type now! Well, after meeting everyone in our group we set off around 10am.
We had 2 jeeps with 12 travellers, 2 drivers and 2 cooks. Our jeep contained the wonderful cook, Damacia, and the hilarious driver Hugo, Lindsay, myself and 4 people from the US (2 girls, 2 guys - 3 of which are forest fire fighters in California). In the other jeep there was the driver, and young cook, 3 crazy South Africans, 2 blokes from London (whom we had met earlier in Salta), and an Italian. Our 2 jeeps had a great time competing against each other in everything! We weren´t allowed to mix our groups during meals, as our cooks were in competition. The drivers kept passing each other trying to get in the lead, especially in the evenings, so we could have 1st choice on the rooms! It was too funny. The guides were great. The scenery was spectacular! The first stop was overlooking a beautiful canyon with interestingly shaped and coloured rocks. We stopped to get some funny photos of the cactus (thanks to Damacia and her great idea)! Later we stopped at Laguna Verde, but it was raining. It was an amazingly coloured laguna. Brillant blues and greens. It would have been even better with a blue sky backdrop. Anyways, let me tell you about the roads we were on. Or better yet, the lack of them! We drove on dirt tracks, through rivers, streams and massive holes. It was crazy. I was actually quite worried whenever the driver would go around a corner (I was on the right hand side). It seemed he always went super close to tipping the truck when I was on that side! Maybe it was just me! haha. Jake (one of the american fire fighters) and I kept asking one another ``are you stable?``. Yup, stable. It had a different meaning for him, but I won´t get into that! Haha! Anyways.
So, my sunburn is literally killing me, but I am trying so hard to be tough and not let it show. At one point we had to walk down a hill and meet the jeep. When I saw how far it went I thought I might cry! Slow and steady wins the race right. Okay, so I made it. I was OK as long as nothing touched my legs (just the top - thankfully - there is a God!). We stopped the 1st day for lunch and went for a walk to check out the llamas. There are so many llamas here!!! Everywhere! Anyways, there was a black dog their as well (dogs seem to be everywhere, in the most desolate, barren places - of course, people as well). I thought I had made a friend with this little puppy (full grown) dog. I pet it a bit and it seemed to like me. Then it started biting at my purse, like it was playing a game. Haha. Funny dog, now stop it! Enough playing, I just want to look at the llamas and get some good pictures. Then all of the sudden, CHOMP!!! The little bugger bit me at the very top of my right thigh on the worst, let me say that again, THE WORST part of my sunburn. Ouch! Megga Ouch!! I bit my lip, told the others I was fine and started walking back to the truck. Then it came after me and attempted to bite me again. Well, I am proud to say that this is the first mental meltdown that I have ever had!! I snapped, screamed at the dog to bleep off or I would kill it, and proceded to the truck crying my little eyes out! Lindsay was there and walked back with me, doing her best to console me. I couldn´t stop crying for a good 3-5 minutes. The funny thing is I had told Lindsay I was feeling a little `fragile` that day, due to the sunburn. I think that word descibes it well! Okay, so I felt better after a little cry and kept my distance from the evil dog after that. It didn´t come near me again, therefore, it is still alive and well and frolicking in some field somewhere! We had lunch, and a good laugh at my expense, then we were on the road again. There was a running joke about me and dogs after that. The driver especially got a kick out of it!
Don´t worry, it didn´t pierce the skin. It just left me a greenish blue bruise for a reminder. I am pretty certain I don´t have rabbies! I haven´t noticed any foaming at the mouth yet anyways!

Let`s see, so much more to tell. We stayed in a tiny little village in the middle of nowhere. We watched a lightning storm that night before dinner. Um, early to bed and early to rise. Day 2 had us traveling some more dangerous unbelievable roads (dirt paths). I felt a bit like a mechanical mountain goat in that truck sometimes. Definitely happy we had 4 wheel drive!
Oh yeah, day 2. Well, we stopped to check out the ancient ruins of some town. Took tons of photos. Saw llamas, viscatchas (a wierd rodent/rabbit looking thing), vicunias (wild looking llama like animals). Stopped to check out Laguna verde in the rain. Got some very cool photos of this amazing blue green lake. Um, lots of stops for camper pees along the way. The altitude was something else. At one point we got as high as 5000meters above sea level. Most of the trip was around 4200 m. Altitude sickness hit Axel (the Italian in the other truck) and Nick (a fire fighter dude in our truck). Not good stuff. Headaches are a major part of it. Hmmm, what else. I am all over the map with this recap of our adventure. Sorry, I type like I think!
I need to quit writing for a while and try to remember the rest of our trip! I know there were a lot of lagoons, the salt flats (more like salt lake/kiddie pool), 2 more nights of rustic/basic accomodation, good food, good laughs etc. Just can´t be bothered to write any more right now.
Will finish the Solar de Uyuni saga mañana!
Right now we are in Potosi, the world´s highest city and we leave for Sucre tomorrow! Lindsay´s birthday is on Feb.7th, so you can look forward to that tale. Also, I have a huge story about the Potosi Silver mines. We did a mining tour and it was VERY eye opening! I will save it for another day though. Cross your fingers that there are CD roms in Sucre!!
Bye for now.


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